My journey to supporting and empowering parents.
Where did Originatal come from?
Originatal was founded to help educate, empower and support new and expectant parents. I have always contemplated that the reason I was put on this Earth was to help people in one form or another. I had felt it deep within me for years, even as a child, the almost imperceptible tug to be there for others in need. As I a teenager, we used some wacky software at school that would determine our ideal role, my top 10 results all involved teaching in some role or another. What better way to help people than shape the next generation of young minds, right? So, that is just what I did, I became a secondary science teacher.
Over time, I reflected more on my “why”. Yes, I was helping others, and I loved teaching young adults, but there was something missing. I had become a parent myself in that time but it wasn’t until I fell pregnant with my second child that I had my ‘Eureka’ moment. Three of my colleagues also fell pregnant, at the same time. For the first time, I was being called on for my motherly wisdom. Although, I can’t claim I know all the answers, I was still able to impart knowledge, support and signpost them to people who could help. That was when everything started to fall into place, I knew my why, I want to work with expectant parents, and their partners, to support and empower them on their journey to parenthood.
Working towards my why… learning to support and empower parents
What could I do to support my ‘Why?’ I started to look around at different courses, trying to figure out where to start. I opted to train in Hypnobirthing and pregnancy relaxation first off, so I began my birth education journey training with the lovely Abby Watson at Love Your Birth. Once qualifed I wanted more, I wanted to be able to do more for the expectant parents in my community. So, I started looking at courses again, this time I chose to train as an antenatal educator. After weighing up the different options, I decided to train with LushTums, I really liked that their course appeared the most comprehensive and was FEDANT approved, so you can be confident in my teaching. Since then, I have gone on to complete my Mindful Breastfeeding practitioner training with Anna Le Grange IBCLC, which qualifies me to provide peer support antenatally to expectant parents, and postnatally to new parents.
Ultimately, this has meant that I am now able to offer comprehensive birth preparation courses to suit your needs! Looking to the future, I am hoping to add pregnancy and postnatal fitness to my repetoir, so I can further support new and expectant parents. Keep an eye out for updates!
I look forward to hearing from you,
My Qualificatio
My qualifications
- Medical Biochemistry Bsc (HONS)
- PGCE Secondary Science
- Enhanced DBS clearance
- Safeguarding training 2020/2021
- FEDANT Registered
- Insured with Balens Limited
- Hypnobirthing Teacher Training with LYB course – course completed
- Challenging the Biomedical model of child birth – course completed
- Lottery of Birth – in progress
- Exploring issues in women’s health – in progress
- Antenatal Education Practitioner Training with LushTums – course completed
- Mindful Breastfeeding Supporter Training with Anna Le Grange IBCLC – course completed
- Breastmilk Scientific Infant Microbiome Mini Course and Understanding HMO Webinar – course completed