What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is ultimately a labour and birth toolkit. Letting go of fear and embracing the calm is an essential part of birth preparation.
Hypnobirthing provides you with information, tools and techniques that they can utilise for positive pregnancy, labour and birth experience. The techniques taught help to reduce fear and anxiety surrounding birth through education and understanding of the connection between mind and body. This course will provide you with an in depth understanding of what happens on a physical and emotional level during your baby’s birth.
Hypnobirthing also dispels common misconceptions and myths surrounding birth, ensuring you are informed and empowered when it comes to you birth choices. You’ll understand the options available to you so you can make the best decision for you and your baby. These tools can be utilised for every single type birth. Even if your birth goes in a different direction to what you had hoped for, you will feel informed and confident, whatever happens.
In addition to this, hypnobirthing helps birth partners play a more active role during the birth of their baby, transforming them from helpless bystander to confident, supportive, birth space protector.
What will the course cover?
- Birth Expectations
- Mind-Body Connection
- Hormones and birth
- Birth Place Options
- Stages of labour
- Intervention
- Relaxation techniques
- Role of birth partner
Hypnobirthing Course options
- Four 2hr sessions weekly
- Two 4hr sessions
- Two 3hr sessions
- One 6hr intensive session
- One 4hr short course/refresher
What is included?
- Hypnobirthing handbook (physcial and ebook copy) – which includes practical guidance, scripts, and positive birth stories
- Access to the audio tracks
- Refreshments (in person only)
- Welcome gift
How much do classes cost?
In person courses
- 8 hour group course £100
- 6 hour group course £80
- 8 hour 1-2-1 course £160
- 6 hour 1-2-1 course £120
- 4 hour 1-2-1 short course/refresher £100
Online courses
- 8 hour group course £80
- 6 hour group course £60
- 8 hour 1-2-1 course £140
- 6 hour 1-2-1 course £100
- 4 hour short course/refresher £80
Are discounts available?
Discounts are available for those who can provide evidence they are working within or in receipt of the following:
- NHS and emergency services
- HappyMOMents referral
- Education
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit – and your household earns £16,190 a year or less
- Universal Credit – and your household earns £408 a month or less