What is antenatal education?
Antenatal classes support and prepare you for birth and beyond. My antenatal wducation courses cover a vast number of topics, ranging from labour and birth expectations, and the birth process all the way through to newborn care and the 4th trimester. The sessions will provide you with an in depth look at the science and data surrounding birth, so you are able to critically evaluate the various types of pain management and birth location options available to you. You will leave the course feeling empowered and confident in your birth choices, regardless of how or where you give birth. Antenatal classes also give you the chance to meet other expectant parents, helping you to form a supportive social network for the remainder of your pregnancy and beyond.
What is covered in the course?
- managing expectations – what are you expectations regarding your labour and birth?
- self care during pregnancy
- birth place options – where will you give birth?
- the role of birth partner
- optimal foetal positions
- the birth process – the role of hormones, stages of labour
- pain management
- the golden hours – the importance of skin-to-skin
- newborn care
- infant feeding – breastfeeding and bottle feeding
- the 4th trimester
- immunisations
- postnatal mental health and self care
What is included?
- printed and electronic handbooks for labour and birth, preparing for your baby and postnatal recovery.
- access to the Originatal birth book library and MP£ tracks
- complimentary gift
- light refreshments
Antenatal Course options
- Four 2hr sessions weekly
- Two 4hr sessions
- Two 3hr session
- One 6hr intensive sessions
- One 4hr short course/refresher
How much do classes cost?
In person courses
- 8 hour group course £120
- 6 hour group course £100
- 8 hour 1-2-1 course £180
- 6 hour 1-2-1 course £140
- 4 hour short course/refresher £100
Online courses
- 8 hour group course £100
- 6 hour group course £80
- 8 hour 1-2-1 course £160
- 6 hour 1-2-1 course £120
- 4 hour short course/refresher £100
Are discounts available?
Discounts are available for those who can provide evidence they are working within or in receipt of the following:
- NHS and emergency services
- HappyMOMents referral
- Education
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit – and your household earns £16,190 a year or less
- Universal Credit – and your household earns £408 a month or less